#!/usr/bin/perl -w		
use strict;		### TkCodex v1.5 ###  web home: <http://tkcodex.sourceforge.net>
			### Copyright 2008 Mark Eriksen ################################
use File::Find;		# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
use Tk;			# GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (version 3).    
use Tk::NoteBook;	# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
use Tk::ROText;		# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
use Storable;		# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.		
use Fcntl;		#############################################################################
if (defined $ARGV[0]) {unless (defined($ARGV[1])) {die "Filename extension required with path...\n"}} 

##### configuration defaults ###################
my $show=0; my $slink=1;
my $CXdir="$ENV{HOME}/tkcodex";
my $VWgeom="1200x800+0+0";
my $VWwidth=1200; my $VWheight=800;
my %subrxp=("c,h"=>'(^)(([\w\*]+\s)+\(.*\))\s{',
	"pl"=>'(^\s*sub )(\w+)\s*{');	#must contain $1 and $2
my $bmfile="$CXdir/tkcodex.bookmarks";
if (-o("$ENV{HOME}/.tkcodex-config")) {process_config("$ENV{HOME}/.tkcodex-config")}
if ($show==1) {
	print "\nConfiguration set:\n\tnote directory: \"$CXdir\"\n\tgeometry: \"$VWgeom\"\n";
	foreach (keys %subrxp) {print "\tsubrountine regexp for \"$_\": \"$subrxp{$_}\"\n"}
	print "\tbookmarks: \"$bmfile\"\n";

######  main window  ######
my $MW = MainWindow->new;

my (%files, %info, %loc);

# entries (dir, suffix, regexp)
my $dir_EN = $MW->Entry(-width=>37,-takefocus=>'0'); 
$dir_EN->bind("<Control-a>"=>sub{messagemain(\&bookmarks, 'add')});
$dir_EN->bind("<Control-d>"=>sub{messagemain(\&bookmarks, 'subtract')});
my $suf_EN = $MW->Entry(-width=>15,-takefocus=>'0');
my $reg_EN = $MW->Entry(-takefocus=>'0');
my $regexp="";
my $TEhist = tkhistory(\$reg_EN,"new");
$reg_EN->bind("<Key-Up>"=>sub{tkhistory(\$reg_EN,"up", $TEhist)});
$reg_EN->bind("<Key-Down>"=>sub{tkhistory(\$reg_EN,"down", $TEhist)});

# directory listbox (DLB)
my @dirray; my $list=\@dirray;
my $DLB = $MW->Listbox(-height=>12,-width=>37,-listvariable=>$list,-takefocus=>'1');

# buttons
my $dir_BT = $MW->Button(-text=>'dir',-font=>'courier-14',-command=>sub{$reg_EN->delete('0','end'); $regexp = "";
my $regexp_BT = $MW->Button(-text=>'regexp',-font=>'courier-14',-command=>sub{	tkhistory(\$reg_EN, "add", $TEhist);
my $CLEARALL_BT = $MW->Button(-text=>'CLEARALL',-font=>'courier-14',-command=>sub{foreach (0..2) {clearall("all-$_")}});

# labels and case checkbutton
my $loctxt="";
my $suf_lab = $MW->Label(-text=>'suffix:',-font=>'courier-14');
my $loc_lab = $MW->Label(-textvariable=>\$loctxt,-font=>'helvetica 16 bold',-foreground=>'#cc0000');
my $case = "nocase";
my $case_CB = $MW -> Checkbutton(-text=>'case',-variable=>\$case,-onvalue=>"case",-offvalue=>"nocase",-command=>sub{caselight()},-font=>"courier-14");

### G R I D (MainWindow) ###

### these bindings workd for MW's children too  ###

# withdrawn toplevels #

########### TXT_Note ###
my %TXT_Note;
$TXT_Note{toplevel} = $MW->Toplevel(-title=>"N O T E"); $TXT_Note{toplevel}->state('withdrawn');
$TXT_Note{text} = $TXT_Note{toplevel}->Text(-wrap=>'word')->pack();
$TXT_Note{text}->configure(-font=>'courier 12',-width=>50,-height=>10,-foreground=>'#ffff00',-background=>'#888888');
$TXT_Note{done} = $TXT_Note{toplevel}->Button(-text=>'done',-font=>'courier-14',-command=>sub{notecreate()})->pack();
	## popup edit menu
my $popM = $TXT_Note{toplevel} -> Menu(-tearoff=>0,-menuitems=>
	[	[Button=>"copy", -command=>sub{$TXT_Note{text}->clipboardCopy}],	
		[Button=>"cut", -command=>sub{$TXT_Note{text}->clipboardCut}],	
		[Button=>"paste", -command=>sub{$TXT_Note{text}->clipboardPaste}],

########### ViewWindows (VW) ###
my (@VW, @NB, %pg, %txt, %txt_found, %VW_BT, @VW_EN, %tag_LB, %LBlist, %LBref, %LBray, %LBsubs, %LN_lab, 
	@VW_num, @VW_case, @RGXP, @VW_rgxp, @TextMenu, $poptab, %LBsw);

foreach (0..2) { my $wn=$_;
	(my $title = $_)+=1; 
	$VW[$_] = $MW->Toplevel(-title=>"$title"); $VW[$_]->state('withdrawn');

my @instances=(0,0,0);
my $caselight="";	      	########################################
foreach  (0..2) { my $num=$_; 	######### buttons, etc. at top #########
	my $bgcolor;		         ######################
	if ($_==0) {$bgcolor="#bbffbb"}
	if ($_==1) {$bgcolor="#bbbbff"}
	if ($_==2) {$bgcolor="#f1ce07"}
	my $BT1 = "clear-$_";   # clear
	$VW_BT{$BT1} = $VW[$_]->Button(-text=>'clear',-font=>'courier-14',-command=>sub{cleartab($BT1)});
	my $nextplace=int ($VWwidth/250);
	my $BT2 = "all-$_"; 	# clear all
	$VW_BT{$BT2} = $VW[$_]->Button(-text=>'all',-font=>'courier-14',-command=>sub{clearall($BT2)});
	my $BT6 = "tags-$_"; 	# clear tags
	$VW_BT{$BT6} = $VW[$_]->Button(-text=>'tags',-font=>'courier-14',-command=>sub{cleartags($BT6)});
	$VW_BT{$BT6}->place(-x=>$nextplace,-y=>4);		## number of instances #
	$VW_num[$_] = $VW[$_]->Label(-textvariable=>\$instances[$_],-font=>'helvetica 24 bold',-foreground=>'#000000',-background=>"$bgcolor");
	$nextplace=int ($VWwidth/4.9);
	$VW_num[$_]->place(-x=>$nextplace,-y=>-10,-width=>100); ## caselight #
	$VW_case[$_] = $VW[$_]->Label(-textvariable=>\$caselight,-font=>'helvetica 24 bold',-foreground=>'#cc0000',-background=>"$bgcolor");
	my $BT5 = "unlite-$_"; 	# unlite 
	$VW_BT{$BT5} = $VW[$_]->Button(-text=>'unlite',-font=>'courier-14',-command=>sub{tkhistory(\$VW_EN[$num],"add",$TEhist);
				### T E X T   E N T R Y ###
	$VW_EN[$_] = $VW[$_]->Entry(-font=>'helvetica 12 italic');
	$VW_EN[$_]->bind("<Key-Up>"=>sub{tkhistory(\$VW_EN[$num],"up", $TEhist)});
	$VW_EN[$_]->bind("<Key-Down>"=>sub{tkhistory(\$VW_EN[$num],"down", $TEhist)});
	my $BT4 = "hilite-$_"; 	# hilite 
	$VW_BT{$BT4} = $VW[$_]->Button(-text=>'hilite',-font=>'courier-14',-command=>sub{tkhistory(\$VW_EN[$num],"add",$TEhist);
	$RGXP[$_] = "no"; 	## regexp checkbutton ##
	$VW_rgxp[$_] = $VW[$_] -> Checkbutton(-text=>'regexp',-variable=>\$RGXP[$num],-onvalue=>"yes",-offvalue=>"no",-font=>"courier-10",-background=>"$bgcolor",-relief=>'solid');
	my $BT3 = "first-$_";	# 1st 4 
	$VW_BT{$BT3} = $VW[$_]->Button(-text=>'1st 4',-font=>'courier-14',-command=>sub{onefour($BT3)});
	$nextplace=int ($VWwidth/1.3);
	my $BT7 = "save-$_";	# save 
	$VW_BT{$BT7} = $VW[$_]->Button(-text=>'save',-font=>'courier-14',-command=>sub{messagable(\&savetags, "$num", "$BT7")});
	my $BT8 = "load-$_"; 	# load 
	$VW_BT{$BT8} = $VW[$_]->Button(-text=>'load',-font=>'courier-14',-command=>sub{messagable(\&loadtags, "$num", "$BT8")});
			## some key bindings ##
	$VW[$_]->bind("<Control-f>"=>sub{messagable(\&findall, $num, "get", 'green')});
	$VW[$_]->bind("<Control-R>"=>sub{messagable(\&findall, $num, "get", 'red')});
	$NB[$_] = $VW[$_]->NoteBook();	### notebook pager #####################
	if ($_ == 0) {$NB[$_]->configure(-backpagecolor=>'#BBFFBB')} 
	elsif ($_ == 1) {$NB[$_]->configure(-backpagecolor=>'#BBBBFF')} 
	elsif ($_ == 2) {$NB[$_]->configure(-backpagecolor=>'#F1CE07')} 
	foreach my $L ("A","B","C","D") { my $tab = "$L-$num";
		$pg{$tab} = $NB[$num]->add($tab,-label=>'E M P T Y',-raisecmd=>sub{tabup($tab)});
		$txt{$tab} = $pg{$tab}->ROText(-wrap=>'none');		## tag index listbox
		@{$txt_found{$tab}}= ();
		@{$LBlist{$tab}} = (); @{$LBray{$tab}} = (); @{$LBsubs{$tab}} = ();
		$tag_LB{$tab} = $pg{$tab}->Listbox(-listvariable=>$LBref{$tab},-height=>int(($VWheight-52)/31.72),-width=>20,-font=>'helvetica 12 italic',-foreground=>'#88bb88',-background=>'#000000',
		$LN_lab{$tab} = $pg{$tab}->Label(-font=>'helvetica 14 bold',-foreground=>'#cc0000'); 
		if ($num eq 0) {$pg{$tab}->configure(-background=>'#99cc99',-foreground=>'#360c7a')}
		if ($num eq 0) {$LN_lab{$tab}->configure(-background=>'#99cc99')}
		if ($num eq 1) {$pg{$tab}->configure(-background=>'#8888aa',-foreground=>'#000000')}
		if ($num eq 1) {$LN_lab{$tab}->configure(-background=>'#8888aa')}
		if ($num eq 2) {$pg{$tab}->configure(-background=>'#c1ae00',-foreground=>'0000aa')}
		if ($num eq 2) {$LN_lab{$tab}->configure(-background=>'#c1ae00')}
	$TextMenu[$_] = $VW[$_] -> Menu(-tearoff=>0,-menuitems=>
		[		### text area popup menu ###
			[Button=>"B set bookmark", -command=>sub{txtbmk($poptab,"place")}],
			[Button=>"b go to bookmark", -command=>sub{txtbmk($poptab,"goto")}],
			[Button=>"g go to last position", -command=>sub{messagable(\&findall, $num, $poptab, 'green')}],
			[Button=>"c character position", -command=>sub{charpos($poptab)}],
			[Button=>"f green findall", -command=>sub{messagable(\&findall, $num, $poptab, 'green')}],
			[Button=>"n next green find", -command=>sub{greenfind($poptab,"next")}],
			[Button=>"p previous green find", -command=>sub{greenfind($poptab,"prev")}],
			[Button=>"R red findall", -command=>sub{messagable(\&findall, $num, $poptab, 'red')}],
			[Button=>"U undo red findall", -command=>sub{undored($num)}],
			[Button=>"x (un)index red finds", -command=>sub{redswitch($num)}],
			[Button=>"r mark selection red", -command=>sub{tagred($poptab)}],
			[Button=>"N add note for selection", -command=>sub{marknote($poptab)}],
			[Button=>"a add to line count", -command=>sub{messagable(\&numbering, $num, $poptab, '+')}],
			[Button=>"s subtract from line count", -command=>sub{messagable(\&numbering, $num, $poptab, '-')}],
			[Button=>"v send line to vim", -command=>sub{tovim($poptab)}],
			[Button=>"z switch index", -command=>sub{switchlist($num)}],
			[Button=>"Q quit", -command=>sub{exit}],
	$TextMenu[$_]->configure(-background=>"#360C7A",-foreground=>"#EEFA3F",-font=>'courier 12'); 

$NB[1]->configure(-background=>'#8888aa',-foreground=>'#000000');	## color ##
foreach (keys %txt) { my $tab="$_"; 		### text areas & tagging ###
	(my $wn=$tab) =~ s/^[A-D]-//;
	$txt{$_}->configure(-font=>'courier 12',-width=>int(($VWwidth-200)/10),-height=>int(($VWheight-52)/20.5),-foreground=>'black',-background=>'white');
	$txt{$_}->tagConfigure('hlite',-foreground=>'#ff00FF',-background=>'#ffdd22',-font=>'courier 12 bold');
	$txt{$_}->tagConfigure('bold',-foreground=>'#0000FF',-font=>'courier 12 italic');
	$txt{$_}->tagConfigure('red',-foreground=>'#cc0000',-font=>'courier 12 bold');
	$txt{$_}->tagConfigure('green',-foreground=>'#00cc00',-font=>'courier 12 bold');
	$txt{$_}->tagConfigure('marked',-foreground=>'#ffff00',-background=>'#888888',-font=>'courier 12 italic');
	$txt{$_}->tagConfigure('subfunc',-foreground=>'#ffff00',-background=>'#aa00aa',-font=>'courier 12 bold');
	$txt{$_}->tagConfigure('QRbold',-font=>'courier 12 bold');
	$txt{$_}->tagConfigure('QRitalic',-font=>'courier 12 italic');
	$txt{$_}->tagBind('marked', "<Double-Button-1>", sub{displaynote($tab)});
	$txt{$_}->tagBind('marked', "<Any-Enter>", sub{ $txt{$tab}->configure(-cursor=>'hand2')});
	$txt{$_}->tagBind('marked', "<Any-Leave>", sub{ $txt{$tab}->configure(-cursor=>'xterm')});
	$txt{$_}->menu(undef); 	 	### more key bindings ###
	$txt{$_}->bind("<Control-a>"=>sub{messagable(\&numbering, $wn, $tab, '+')});
	$txt{$_}->bind("<Control-s>"=>sub{messagable(\&numbering, $wn, $tab, '-')});
	$txt{$_}->bind("<Control-u>"=>sub{$txt{$tab}->tagRemove('red', 'sel.first', 'sel.last')});
	$txt{$_}->tagRaise('hlite', 'bold');	
	$txt{$_}->tagRaise('red', 'hlite');	
}	####################################

## start-up #############################################
#################### declare globals inside MainLoop!
my (@swapray, $notetab, %notehash, @bookmarks);
my @c_pos=(1,0);
my $where="1.0";	
my $bmark="1.0";	
my $redsw=0; 

if (defined $ARGV[1]){$suf_EN->insert('1.0', "$ARGV[1]")}
if (defined @ARGV){$dir_EN->insert('1.0', "$ARGV[0]");fillbox();}
if (defined $ARGV[2]){$reg_EN->insert('1.0', "$ARGV[2]");trimbox();}
my $bmcount=0; bookmarks('load');
@{$info{'A-1'}}=("2");		# "info" is a hash of arrays
@{$info{'A-2'}}=("3");		# for the titlebar

MainLoop; #############################

sub addto { my $wn = "@_";
	my $name=$DLB->get('active');
	foreach my $X ("A", "B", "C", "D") { 
		my $tab="$X-$wn"; 
		my $content = $txt{$tab}->Contents();			
		if ($content =~ /\w/) {next}
		else { 	$name =~ s/^\*+//;
			$name =~ s/\s\(\d+\)$//;
			messagable(\&dofile, $wn, $name, $tab);

sub bookmarks { my $do=$_[0];
	if ($do eq 'load') {
		open (BM, "<$bmfile") || return;
		while (<BM>) {chomp $_; push @bookmarks, $_};
		close (BM);
	if ($do eq 'add') {
		my $entry=$dir_EN->get();
		unless (defined($entry) && $entry =~ /\w/) {return "nothing to add!"}
		foreach (@bookmarks) {if ($_ eq $entry) {return "bookmark exists"}}
		push @bookmarks, $entry;
		sysopen (BM, "$bmfile", O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT) || return "no bookmark file!";
		print BM "$entry\n";
		close (BM);
		return "+$entry";
	if ($do eq 'subtract') {
		my $entry=$dir_EN->get();
		my @new = grep { $_ ne "$entry"} @bookmarks;
		@bookmarks = @new; 		
		open (BM, ">$bmfile") || return "no bookmark file!";
		foreach (@bookmarks) {print BM "$_\n"};
		close (BM);
		return "-$entry";
	if ($do eq 'move') { my $adj=$_[1];
		(my $tmp=$bmcount)+=$adj;
		if (defined($bookmarks[$tmp])) {$bmcount=$tmp;
		} else {$bmcount=0}

sub caselight {
	if ($case eq "nocase") {$caselight=""}
	elsif ($case eq "case") {$caselight="*"}

sub changetab { my $wn = $_[0];
	my $tab=$NB[$wn]->raised();
	(my $AD = $tab)=~s/-[0-3]$//;
	my $ai=ord($AD);
	if ($_[1] eq "-") {
		if ($ai == 65) {$ai=68}
		else {$ai--};
	if ($_[1] eq "+") {
		if ($ai == 68) {$ai=65}
		else {$ai++};
	(my $new = $ai)=~s/$/-$wn/;

sub charpos { 
	my $charpos = $txt{$_[0]}->index('insert');

sub clearall { (my $num=$_[0])=~s/all-//;
	(my $title=$num)+=1;
	foreach ("A","B","C","D") {
		my $tab="$_-$num";
		$NB[$num]->pageconfigure($tab,-label=>"E M P T Y");
		if (defined($info{$tab}[1])) {
			unless ($info{$tab}[1] eq "Quick Reference") {
				if ($loc{$info{$tab}[1]} !~ /\d/) {delete $loc{$info{$tab}[1]}}	
				my $i=0; 
				foreach (@dirray) {
					if ($_ =~ /\*+$info{$tab}[1]/) { 
						$_ =~ s/^\*//;
			}	} 	

sub cleartab { (my $num=$_[0])=~s/clear-//;
	my $clear = $NB[$num]->raised();
	if ($LBsw{$clear}==1) {switchlist($num)}
	$NB[$num]->pageconfigure($clear,-label=>"E M P T Y");
	if (defined($loc{$info{$clear}[1]})) { 	 
		my $i;
		foreach (@dirray) {
			if ($_ =~ /\*+$info{$clear}[1]/) { 
				$_ =~ s/^\*//;
		if ($loc{$info{$clear}[1]} !~ /\d/) {delete $loc{$info{$clear}[1]}}
	(my $x=$num)+=1;
	@{$info{$clear}}=("$x"); (my $title = $num)+=1;

sub cleartags { (my $wn=$_[0])=~s/tags-//;
	my $tab = $NB[$wn]->raised();
	if ($LBsw{$tab}==1) {switchlist($wn)}
	$txt{$tab}->tagRemove('hlite', '1.0', 'end');
	$txt{$tab}->tagRemove('bold', '1.0', 'end');
	$txt{$tab}->tagRemove('red', '1.0', 'end');
	$txt{$tab}->tagRemove('marked', '1.0', 'end');

sub displaynote { my $tab="@_"; (my $wn=$tab)=~s/^[A-D]-//;
	my $pos = $c_pos[1]+1;
	$pos = "$c_pos[0].$pos";
	my @range=$txt{$tab}->tagPrevrange('marked', $pos);
	my @line = split /\./,$range[0];
	my $ray=\@{$LBlist{$tab}};
	for (my $i=0;$i<scalar @$ray; $i++) {
		if ($$ray[$i]{line}==$line[0] && $$ray[$i]{type} eq "hyper" && $$ray[$i]{start}==$range[0] && $$ray[$i]{end}==$range[1]) { 
			$notehash{line} = $$ray[$i]{line};
			$notehash{start} = $$ray[$i]{start};
			$notehash{end} = $$ray[$i]{end};
			$notehash{type} = $$ray[$i]{type};
			$notehash{content} = $$ray[$i]{content};
			$notehash{note} = $$ray[$i]{note};
		if ($i==(scalar @$ray)-1) {print "displaynote(): error\n";return}
	$TXT_Note{toplevel}->title("${$info{$notetab}}[1]: line $notehash{line}");

sub dofile { (my $name = $_[0]) =~ s/^\*+//; my $tab = $_[1];
	open (FH, "$files{$name}") || return "Can't open $files{$name}";
	while (<FH>) {$txt{$tab}->Insert("$_")}
	close (FH);
	my $i=0;	
	foreach (@dirray) {
		if ($_ =~ m/^\**$name(\s\(\d+\))?$/) {
			$_ =~ s/^/\*/;
	(my $wn = $tab) =~ s/^[A-D]-//; (my $le = $tab) =~ s/-[0-3]$//;
	(my $title = $wn)+=1; 
	@{$info{$tab}}=("$title$le:", "$name");
	if (exists($loc{$name})) {$loc{$name}="$loc{$name} $tab"}
	else {$loc{$name}=$tab}
	unless ($regexp eq "") {hilite("$tab", "$regexp", "def")}
	if ($LBsw{$tab}==1) {switchlist($wn)}

sub fillbox {
	my @sfx = split /, /,$suf_EN->get() || return "No suffix!";
	my $dir=$dir_EN->get();
	my %options=("wanted"=>\&getfiles,"follow"=>1);
	if ($slink==0) {$options{follow}=0};
	@dirray = sort (@swapray);
	@swapray = ();
	my $n=0;
	foreach my $file (@dirray) {
		if (exists($loc{$file}) && $loc{$file} =~ /-/) {
			$_ = "$loc{$file}";
			my $x =()= /-/g;
			my $i=0;		# this places astericks in the MW listbox
			until ($i==$x) {
				$file =~ s/^/\*/;

sub findall { (my $wn = $_[0])=~s/^[A-D]-//; my $tab=$NB[$wn]->raised(); my $rgb=$_[1];
	tkhistory(\$VW_EN[$wn], "add", $TEhist);
	$txt{$tab}->tagRemove('green', '1.0', 'end');
	my $exact = $VW_EN[$wn]->get();
	unless ($exact =~ /\w/) {return "No search criteria!"}  
	if ($case eq "nocase" && $RGXP[$wn] eq "no") {$txt{$tab}->FindAll(-exact, -nocase, "$exact")}
	elsif ($case eq "case"&& $RGXP[$wn] eq "no") {$txt{$tab}->FindAll(-exact, -case, "$exact")}
	elsif ($case eq "nocase"&& $RGXP[$wn] eq "yes") {$txt{$tab}->FindAll(-regexp, -nocase, "$exact")}
	elsif ($case eq "case"&& $RGXP[$wn] eq "yes") {$txt{$tab}->FindAll(-regexp, -case, "$exact")}
	my @found=$txt{$tab}->tagRanges('sel');
	my $i=-1;
	while (defined($found[0])) {
		my $begin = shift @found;
		my $end = shift @found;
		if ($rgb eq "green") {${$txt_found{$tab}}[++$i]=$begin}
		elsif ($rgb eq "red") {my $ray=\@{$LBlist{$tab}};
			my $num = scalar @$ray;
			my @start = split /\./,$begin;
		$txt{$tab}->tagAdd("$rgb", "$begin", "$end");
	$VW[$wn]->title("@{$info{$tab}} ($exact) $rgb-lit"); 
	if ($rgb eq "red") { $redsw=0;

sub formlist { my $tab=$_[0]; (my $wn=$tab)=~s/^[A-D]-//;
	my $ray=\@{$LBlist{$tab}};
	my $num=scalar @$ray;
	if ($num>1) {@$ray=sort{$a->{line} <=> $b->{line}}@$ray}
	my $n=0;  
	for (my $i=0;$i<$num;$i++) { 
		my $hash = \%{$$ray[$i]};
		if ($redsw==0 && ${$hash}{type} eq "red") {next}
		my $line=${$hash}{line}; my $content=${$hash}{content};
		if (${$hash}{type} eq "SUB") { ${$LBray{$tab}}[$n]=$content }
		elsif (${$hash}{type} =~ /UC/) { ${$LBray{$tab}}[$n]="*$line: $content" }
		else { ${$LBray{$tab}}[$n]="$line: $content" }
		if (${$hash}{type} eq "hyper") {$tag_LB{$tab}->itemconfigure($n,-foreground=>'#ff00ff')}
		elsif (${$hash}{type} =~ /RX/) {$tag_LB{$tab}->itemconfigure($n,-foreground=>'#ffffff')}
		elsif (${$hash}{type} eq "red" && $redsw==1) {$tag_LB{$tab}->itemconfigure($n,-foreground=>'#ff0000')}

sub getfiles {	my $file=\$_; 
	my @sfx = split /,/,$suf_EN->get() || return;
	unless (-d) {foreach my $end (@sfx) {
			if ($$file =~ /\.$end$/) {
				my $tmp = $File::Find::name;
				if (exists($files{$$file})) {
					my $dir=$dir_EN->get();
			push @swapray, $$file;
			$files{$$file} = $tmp;

sub greenfind { my $tab=shift; my $way=shift;
	my @start; 
	if ($way eq "next") {
		foreach (@{$txt_found{$tab}}) {
			@start=split /\./,$_;
			if (($start[0]==$c_pos[0]) && ($start[1] > $c_pos[1]) || ($start[0] > $c_pos[0])) {
	} else { 
		for (my $i=$#{$txt_found{$tab}};$i>=0;$i--) {
			@start=split /\./,${$txt_found{$tab}}[$i];
			if (($start[0]==$c_pos[0]) && ($start[1] < $c_pos[1]) || ($start[0] < $c_pos[0])) {

sub goback { my $wn="@_";
	my $tab=$NB[$wn]->raised(); 
	$where = "$c_pos[0].$c_pos[1]";

sub gotoLN { my $wn=shift;
	my $tab=$NB[$wn]->raised(); 
	my $place=$c_pos[0];
	my $LN = $VW_EN[$wn]->get(); 
	if ($LN !~ /^\d+$/) {$VW[$wn]->title("$LN is not a line number."); return}
	$VW_EN[$wn]->insert('1', $place);

sub gototag { my $tab="@_";
	$where = "$c_pos[0].$c_pos[1]";	
	my $goto;
	if ($LBsw{$tab}==0) {	
		my $index=$tag_LB{$tab}->get('active');
	} else {
		my $I=$tag_LB{$tab}->index('active');

sub hilite_BT { (my $n=$_[0])=~s/hilite-//;
	my $exact = $VW_EN[$n]->get();
	if ($exact eq "") {return}
	my $tab = $NB[$n]->raised();
	hilite("$tab", "$exact");

sub hilite { my $tab="$_[0]"; my $expre = "$_[1]"; (my $wn = $tab)=~s/^[A-D]-//; 
	my $chars=0; my @start=("1","0"); 
	$instances[$wn] = 0; my $type;
	if ((defined($_[2]) || $RGXP[$wn] eq "yes") && $case eq "nocase") {$type="RX"} 
	elsif ((defined($_[2]) || $RGXP[$wn] eq "yes") && $case eq "case") {$type="RXUC"}
	elsif ($case eq "nocase") {$type="NORM"}
	elsif ($case eq "case") {$type="UC"}
	if ($LBsw{$tab}==1) {switchlist($wn)}
	while (1) { my $x;		### search/highlight loop ### 
		if ($type eq "RX") {$x = $txt{$tab}->search(-regexp,-nocase,-count=>$chars,"$expre","$start[0].$start[1]", 'end')}
		elsif ($type eq "RXUC") {$x = $txt{$tab}->search(-regexp,-count=>$chars,"$expre","$start[0].$start[1]", 'end')}
		elsif ($type eq "NORM") {$x = $txt{$tab}->search(-exact,-nocase,-count=>$chars,"$expre","$start[0].$start[1]", 'end')}
		elsif ($type eq "UC") {$x = $txt{$tab}->search(-exact,-count=>$chars,"$expre","$start[0].$start[1]", 'end')}
		unless (defined($x) && $x =~ /^\d+\.\d+$/) {last}
		my @index = split /\./,$x;
		if ($index[0] < $start[0]) {last}
		if ($index[0] == $start[0] && $index[1] < $start[1]) {last}
		# all this is because, eg. 15.16 < 15.5 (should have been obseleted by 'end' in search) 
		(my $y = $index[1])+=$chars; 
		pushtag($tab, $index[0], $x, "$index[0].$y", $expre, $type);

sub linenumber { my $tab="@_"; (my $wn=$tab)=~s/^[A-D]-//;
	@c_pos=split /\./,$txt{$tab}->index('insert');
	$LN_lab{$tab}->configure(-text=>"line $c_pos[0]");
sub litesubs { my $tab=shift; 
	my $flav=$1;
	my $match=" ";
	foreach my $type (keys %subrxp) {
		my @tray=split /,/,$type;
		foreach (@tray) {
			if ($_ eq $flav) {$match=$subrxp{$type};last;} }
	unless ($match =~ /\w+/) {return}
	my $ray=\@{$LBsubs{$tab}};
	my $text=$txt{$tab}->Contents();
	my @contents=split /\n/,$text;
	foreach (my $i=0;$i<@contents;$i++) { 
		if ($contents[$i] =~ /$match/) {
			my $new=scalar @$ray; my $I=$i+1;
			my $len1 = length $1; my $len2 = $len1 + length $2;

sub loadtags { (my $wn="$_[0]") =~ s/load-//;
	my $tab=$NB[$wn]->raised(); 
	if ($LBsw{$tab}==1) {switchlist($wn)}
	(my $name="@{$info{$tab}}[1]") =~ s/\//_/;
	my $file="$CXdir/$name.store";
	if (!(-o $file)) {return "No tagfile for $name"}
	my $rayref = retrieve($file);
	$VW[$wn]->title("loading tags for $name from $CXdir");
	my @ray = @{$rayref};
	my @listray = @{$LBlist{$tab}};
	for (my $i=0;$i<=$#ray;$i++) {		# prevent duplication
		my $sw=0;
		for (my $I=0;$I<=$#listray;$I++) {
			if (${$ray[$i]}{content} eq ${$listray[$I]}{content}) {
				if (${$ray[$i]}{type} eq ${$listray[$I]}{type}) {
					if (${$ray[$i]}{line} == ${$listray[$I]}{line}) {
						if (${$ray[$i]}{start} eq ${$listray[$I]}{start}) {$sw=1}
		} 	}	}	}
		if ($sw==0) {push @{$LBlist{$tab}}, $ray[$i]}

sub marknote { my $tab="@_";
	my $start="$1.$2"; my $line=$1;
	my $end=$txt{$tab}->index('sel.last');
	$txt{$tab}->tagAdd('marked', "$start", "$end");
	my $content=$txt{$tab}->get($start, $end);
	%notehash = ("line"=>$line, "start"=>$start, "end"=>$end, "content"=>$content);
	$TXT_Note{toplevel}->title("${$info{$tab}}[1]: line $line");
	# the global "$notetab" and %notehash are for notecreate() invoked by "done" button in TXT_Note

sub markup { my $tab=shift;
	$txt{$tab}->tagRemove('hlite', '1.0', 'end');
	$txt{$tab}->tagRemove('bold', '1.0', 'end');
	$txt{$tab}->tagRemove('marked', '1.0', 'end');
	$txt{$tab}->tagRemove('subfunc', '1.0', 'end');
	my @listray=@{$LBlist{$tab}};
	foreach (my $i=0; $i<=$#listray; $i++) {
		my $start=${$listray[$i]}{start};	
		my $end=${$listray[$i]}{end};	
		my $line=${$listray[$i]}{line};	
		if (${$listray[$i]}{type} eq "hyper") {$txt{$tab}->tagAdd('marked', $start, $end)}
		elsif (${$listray[$i]}{type} eq "SUB") {
			$txt{$tab}->tagAdd('subfunc', $start, $end)}
		elsif (${$listray[$i]}{type} eq "red") {$txt{$tab}->tagAdd('red',$start,$end)}
		else {$txt{$tab}->tagAdd('hlite', $start, $end);
			$txt{$tab}->tagAdd('bold',  "$line.0", "$line.0 lineend");}

sub messagable { my $func= shift @_; my $wn = shift @_; my $tab = shift;
	if ($tab eq "get") {$tab=$NB[$wn]->raised()}
	my $message=$func->($tab,@_); unless (defined($message)) {return}
	if ($message =~ /[A-Z]+|[a-z]+/) {

sub messagemain { my $func= shift @_;
	my $message=$func->(@_); unless (defined($message)) {return}
	if ($message =~ /[A-Z]+|[a-z]+/) {

sub notecreate { 
	my $note=$TXT_Note{text}->Contents();
	$TXT_Note{text}->delete('1.0', 'end');
	my $ray=\@{$LBlist{$notetab}};
	my $new = scalar @$ray;
	for (my $i=0;$i<$new;$i++) {		# prevent duplication
		if ($$ray[$i]{line} == $notehash{line}) {
			if ($$ray[$i]{type} eq "hyper") {
				if ($$ray[$i]{content} eq $notehash{content}) {
					if ($$ray[$i]{start} eq $notehash{start}) {
						$$ray[$i]{note} = $note;
	} 	}	}	}

sub numbering { my $tab=$_[0]; my $way=$_[1]; (my $wn=$tab)=~s/^[A-D]-//;
	my $int = $VW_EN[$wn]->get(); if ($int =~ /^\d+$/) {$VW_EN[$wn]->delete('0', 'end')}
	unless ($int =~ /^\d+$/) {$int=1}
	if ($way eq "-") {$int=-$int}
	(my $repos=$c_pos[0])+=$int;
	if ($repos <= 0) {return "can't do that! (the number is too big)"}
	my $ray=\@{$LBlist{$tab}};
	for (my $i=0;$i<scalar @$ray;$i++) {
		if ($$ray[$i]{line}>=$c_pos[0]) {
			my @start=split /\./,$$ray[$i]{start};
			my @end=split /\./,$$ray[$i]{end};
			$start[0]+=$int; $end[0]+=$int;


sub onefour { (my $num=$_[0])=~s/first-//;
	my @opentabs = ("A-$num", "B-$num", "C-$num", "D-$num");
	foreach my $i (0..3) {
		if ($i > $#dirray) {last};
		(my $file = $dirray[$i]) =~ s/\s\(\d+\)$//;
		messagable(\&dofile, $num, $file, $opentabs[$i])}

sub pushtag { my $tab=shift; (my $wn=$tab) =~ s/^[A-D]-//; 
	my %hash;
	my @ray=@{$LBlist{$tab}};
	for (my $i=0;$i<=$#ray;$i++) {		# prevent duplication
		if (${$ray[$i]}{line} == $hash{line}) {
			if (${$ray[$i]}{content} eq $hash{content}) {
				if (${$ray[$i]}{type} eq $hash{type}) {
					if (${$ray[$i]}{start} eq $hash{start}) {return}
	} 	}	}	}
	my $rayref=\@{$LBlist{$tab}};
	my $num=scalar @$rayref;
	if (${$$rayref[$num]}{type} eq "hyper") {${$$rayref[$num]}{note}=$hash{note}}

sub processbold { my $tab = $_[0];
	my @index = split /(:.)/,$_[1],3;
	$txt{$tab}->tagAdd('bold', "$index[0].0", "$index[0].0 lineend");
	my $char; my $y=0;
	if ($index[1] eq ":^") { my $count; my $x;	
		while (1) { 
		$x = $txt{$tab}->search(-exact,-count=>$count,"$index[2]","$index[0].$y", "$index[0].end");
		unless (defined($x) && $x =~ /^\d+\.\d+$/) {last}
		$txt{$tab}->tagAdd('hlite', "$x", "$index[0].$y")}
	} elsif ($index[1] eq ":!") { my $count; my $x;
		while (1) {
		$x = $txt{$tab}->search(-regexp,-count=>$count,"$index[2]","$index[0].$y", "$index[0].end");
		unless (defined($x) && $x =~ /^\d+\.\d+$/) {last}
		$txt{$tab}->tagAdd('hlite', "$x", "$index[0].$y")}
	} elsif ($index[1] eq ":~") { my $count; my $x;
		while (1) {
		$x = $txt{$tab}->search(-regexp,-nocase,-count=>$count,"$index[2]","$index[0].$y", "$index[0].end");
		unless (defined($x) && $x =~ /^\d+\.\d+$/) {last}
		$txt{$tab}->tagAdd('hlite', "$x", "$index[0].$y")}
	} elsif ($index[1] eq ": ") { my $count; my $x;
		while (1) {
		$x = $txt{$tab}->search(-exact,-nocase,-count=>$count,"$index[2]","$index[0].$y","$index[0].end");
		unless (defined($x) && $x =~ /^\d+\.\d+$/) {last}
		$txt{$tab}->tagAdd('hlite', "$x", "$index[0].$y");

sub process_config { my $cfile=shift;
	open (CFG, "<$cfile") || return;
	print "\nTkCodex: using $cfile for configuration...\n";
	while (<CFG>) {
		if ($_ =~ /^show/) {$show=1;next}
		if ($_ =~ /^no follow/) {$slink=0;
			print "\tFollow softlinks turned OFF\n";
		my @line = split /: /;
		if ($line[0] eq "directory") {$CXdir=$line[1];
			if ($show==1) {print "\tnote directory: \"$CXdir\"\n"}
		if ($line[0] eq "geometry") {$VWgeom=$line[1];
			if ($VWwidth<1050) { $VWwidth=1050;
			else {$VWheight=$2}
			if ($show==1) {print "\tgeometry: \"$VWgeom\"\n"}
		if ($line[0] eq "sub") {
			my @ray = split /=/,$line[1];
			my $type = shift @ray;
			my @ray2 = split /,/,$ray[0];
			foreach (@ray2) {
				if ($_ eq 'c') {delete $subrxp{'c,h'}}
				elsif ($_ eq 'h') {delete $subrxp{'c,h'}}
				elsif ($_ eq 'pl') {delete $subrxp{'pl'}}
			$subrxp{$type} = shift @ray;
			if ($show==1) {print "\tsubroutine regexp for \"$type\": \"$subrxp{$type}\"\n"}
		if ($line[0] eq "bookmarks") {
			if ($show==1) {print "\tbookmark file set to \"$bmfile\"\n"}

sub redswitch { my $wn=shift;
	my $tab=$NB[$wn]->raised(); 
	if ($redsw==0) {$redsw++}
	else {$redsw--}
	if ($LBsw{$tab}==1) {switchlist($wn)}

sub removetag { my $tab=$_[0];
	if ($LBsw{$tab}==1) {return};
	my $anchor = $tag_LB{$tab}->index('anchor');
	my $end = $tag_LB{$tab}->index('active');
	for (my $i=$anchor; $i<=$end; $i++) {
		if (${$LBlist{$tab}}[$i]{type} eq "red") {
			$txt{$tab}->tagRemove('red', ${$LBlist{$tab}}[$i]{start}, ${$LBlist{$tab}}[$i]{end});
	@{$LBlist{$tab}} = grep {$_ ne 'null'} @{$LBlist{$tab}};

sub savetags { (my $wn=$_[0])=~s/save-//;
	my $tab=$NB[$wn]->raised(); 
	if ($LBsw{$tab}==1) {switchlist($wn)}
	unless (defined(${$LBray{$tab}}[0])) {return "nothing to save"}
	(my $name="${$info{$tab}}[1]") =~ s/\//_/;
	my $file="$CXdir/$name.store";
	store(\@{$LBlist{$tab}}, $file) || return "Failed to save $file";
        return "saved notes for $name";

sub scroll { my $wn=shift;
	my $tab = $NB[$wn]->raised();
	my $dir = shift;
	if ($_[0] eq "LB") {$tag_LB{$tab}->yviewScroll($dir,'units')}
	else {$txt{$tab}->yviewScroll($dir,'units')}

sub showloc { my $name=$DLB->get('anchor');
	$name =~ s/^\**//;
	$name =~ s/\s\(\d+\)$//;
	if (exists($loc{$name})) { 
		my @locations = split / /,$loc{$name};	
		foreach (@locations) {
			(my $N = $_) =~ s/^..//; $N++;
			(my $l = $_) =~ s/..$//; 
			$loctxt="$loctxt $N$l";		

sub switchlist { my $wn = shift;
	my $tab = $NB[$wn]->raised();
	my @tmp=@{$LBlist{$tab}};
	if ($LBsw{$tab}==0) { $LBsw{$tab}=1;
		$tag_LB{$tab}->configure(-background=>'#888888',-foreground=>'#ffff00',-font=>'helvetica 12');}
	else { $LBsw{$tab}=0; 
		$tag_LB{$tab}->configure(-background=>'#000000',-foreground=>'#88bb88',-font=>'helvetica 12 italic');}

sub tabup { my $tab = "@_";
	(my $wn = $tab) =~ s/^[A-D]-//; (my $tn=$wn)+=1; 
	unless (exists($info{$tab})) { @{$info{$tab}}=("$tn") }	
	if (defined($wn)) {$VW[$wn]->title("@{$info{$tab}}")}
	if ($LBsw{$tab}==1) {$tag_LB{$tab}->configure(-background=>'#888888',-foreground=>'#ffff00',-font=>'helvetica 12');}
	else {$tag_LB{$tab}->configure(-background=>'#000000',-foreground=>'#88bb88',-font=>'helvetica 12 italic');}

sub tagred { my $tab=shift;
	(my $wn = $tab) =~ s/^[A-D]-//;
	if ($LBsw{$tab}==1) {switchlist($wn)}
	my $first = $txt{$tab}->index('sel.first');
	my $ray = \@{$LBlist{$tab}};
	my $next = scalar @$ray;
	$first =~ /(\d+)\./;
	if ($redsw==0) {$redsw=1};

sub tkhistory {
	my $entry = shift; 
	if ($entry == 0) {   # an "unattached" new history
		my %hash;
		my @list;
		$hash{hlist} = \@list;
		my $ref = \%hash;
		return $ref;}
	my $cmand = shift; my $hist;
	if ($cmand eq "new") {
		my %hash;
		my @list;
		$hash{hlist} = \@list;
		$hash{$entry} = -1;
		my $ref = \%hash;
		return $ref;
	} else {$hist = shift;}
	if ($cmand eq "add") {
		my $string = $$entry->get;
		foreach my $elem (@{$hist->{hlist}}) {		# prevent duplicates
			if ($string eq $elem) {return 0}} 
		$hist->{$entry} == $#{$hist->{hlist}};
	} elsif ($cmand eq "up") {
		if ($#{$hist->{hlist}} == -1) {return}
		if ($hist->{$entry} < 0) {$hist->{$entry} = $#{$hist->{hlist}}}
		else {$hist->{$entry}--};	
	} elsif ($cmand eq "down") {
		if ($#{$hist->{hlist}} == -1) {return}
		if ($hist->{$entry} == $#{$hist->{hlist}}) {
			$hist->{$entry} = -1;
	} elsif ($cmand eq "join") {
		$hist->{$entry} = 0;

sub toggle { my $n = "@_";	
	my $state = $VW[$n]->state();
	my $newstate = ($state eq 'withdrawn') ? 'normal' : 'withdrawn';

sub tovim { my $tab="@_"; (my $wn = $tab) =~ s/^[A-D]-//;
	my $index=$txt{$tab}->index('insert');
	(my $ln=$index)=~s/\.\d+$//;
	my $content=$txt{$tab}->get("$index", "$ln.end");
	chomp $content;
	(my $swap=$content) =~ s/'/**/g;
	($content=$swap) =~ s/^/'/;
	($swap=$content) =~ s/$/'/;
	system "vim --remote-send $swap";
	$VW[$wn]->title("line $ln sent to vim");	

sub trimbox { $regexp = $reg_EN->get() || return "No regexp!";
	my %N_index; 
	foreach my $name (@dirray) { (my $file=$name) =~ s/^\*+//;  
                open (CXF, "$files{$file}") || next; 
                my $content = do {local $/; <CXF>};
                close (CXF);	# "do {local..." reads entire file as one line  
		my $N;
		if ($case eq "nocase") {if ($content =~ /$regexp/i) {
                        $N =()= /$regexp/gi;
                }} elsif ($case eq "case") {if ($content =~ /$regexp/) {
                        $N =()= /$regexp/g;
	@dirray = sort {$N_index{$b} <=> $N_index{$a}} keys %N_index;
	my $i=0;	
	foreach my $file (@dirray) {
		my $copy=$file;
		$file =~ s/$/ ($N_index{$copy})/;
		if (exists($loc{$copy}) && $loc{$copy} =~ /-/) {
			$_ = "$loc{$file}";
			my $x =()= /-/g;
			my $n=0;
			until ($n==$x) {
				$file =~ s/^/\*/;

sub txtbmk { my $tab=shift; (my $wn=$tab)=~s/^[A-D]-//;
	my $cmmd=shift;
	if ($cmmd eq "place") {
		$VW[$wn]->title("Bookmark set at line $c_pos[0]");	
	else {$txt{$tab}->SetCursor($bmark)}
sub undored { my $wn=shift;  
	my $tab = $NB[$wn]->raised();
	my $match = $VW_EN[$wn]->get();
	unless ($match =~ /\w/) {return "No search criteria!"}
	tkhistory(\$VW_EN[$wn], "add", $TEhist);
	if ($LBsw{$tab}==1) {switchlist($wn)}
	my $ray=\@{$LBlist{$tab}};
	my @replacement;
	for (my $i=0;$i<scalar @$ray;$i++) {
		if ($$ray[$i]{content} eq $match) {if ($$ray[$i]{type} eq "red") {
			$txt{$tab}->tagRemove('red', $$ray[$i]{start}, $$ray[$i]{end});
		push @replacement, $$ray[$i];

sub unlite { (my $n=$_[0])=~s/unlite-//;
	my $unexact = $VW_EN[$n]->get();
	if ($unexact eq "") {return} 
	tkhistory(\$VW_EN[$n], "add", $TEhist);
	my $tab = $NB[$n]->raised();
	if ($LBsw{$tab}==1) {switchlist($n)}
	my $type;
	if ($case eq "nocase" && $RGXP[$n] eq "no") {$type="NORM"}
	elsif ($case eq "case" && $RGXP[$n] eq "no") {$type="UC"}
	elsif ($case eq "case" && $RGXP[$n] eq "yes") {$type="RXUC"}
	else {$type="RX"}
	my $ray=\@{$LBlist{$tab}};
	my @replacement;
	for (my $i=0;$i<scalar @$ray;$i++) {
		if ($$ray[$i]{content} eq $unexact) {if ($$ray[$i]{type} eq $type) {next}}
		push @replacement, $$ray[$i];
